Hi there!

This is demonstration of NativeForms widget.
Go to https://app.nativeforms.com/widget to configure your own widget.

There are few ways you can integrate NativeForms widget into your website:

1) Adding a "chat" button, that is visible on the right-bottom side of the sceen.
You can customize it by chaning its position, color, icon, etc.

2) You can have simple button that opens widget as "Slider". You can use function: window.nativeForms.showForm({ form: 'link to form' }) for that.

Open Form

3) You can also open "Modal" with your form. For that use function: window.nativeForms.showModal({ form: 'link to form' }).
You can additionally pass parameters like: width and height.

Open Modal

4) Embed form into iframe.

5) Adding a "text label" button, that is visible on the right side of the sceen.
You can customize it by chaning its position, color, icon, etc.